
Celui où les diamants sont morts

The one when diamonds died

Are mined diamonds going to die? Are diamonds really forever? They can certainly last eternally, but they can’t be dug endlessly. Therefore, the diamond industry faces a dual challenge. How to sell more diamonds to an...

What is Journalism

What is Journalism?

Journalism is the unequivocal spread of information across the globe. And it’s not just presenting information, but presenting information that has been synthesized and deemed newsworthy. It is the vehicle that gives...

The Good, the Bad and the Pill

These thoughts are meant as a reaction to an article published in the NYT entitled “Are we ready for a morality pill?”. Ask anyone around you: “Would you be willing to take a morality pill? One that would somehow make...

Magritte - La Décalcomanie

Who would Ibo be in your organization?

How do we identify ourselves? Do we always have the same identity wherever we are, and whatever we do? Or, do we tend to identify ourselves differently depending on in which environment we mainly spend our time? A clue...

Social Contract 2.0

The advent of the internet was supposed to bring freedom of information to the world. Information flows would develop to a point where not even the old nation state could resist them. The first cell phones bypassed...